How To Power Passive Speakers without an Amp

  • on August 30, 2021
How To Power Passive Speakers without an Amp

In any audio system, you’ll need a speaker to produce audible sound from an electric source. Speaker types are divided into active and passive speakers with different needs in terms of components used before they can be connected to an external amplifier or power supply. Active speakers have built-in amplifiers, so additional connections aren’t needed when connecting them up properly.

In contrast, Amp has already been included within the housing for passive models, which require connection via cable to a suitable input device like another receiver or even directly through an auxiliary cord plugged right on its backside if there is no other option available at hand.

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Passive speakers require external power from other components such as receivers, mixers, and amplifiers. They only need a single connection to an audio source. Thus they’re not connected to the mains like active devices, which means you don’t worry about finding electrical outlets or buying expensive speaker cables that are short enough for your needs (unless it’s a surround sound system).

On top of this, passive speakers can be used with any amplifier because there isn’t one built-in, unlike some types of powered loudspeakers, but what would happen if you didn’t have access to an amp? Maybe your budget doesn’t allow purchasing one at all costs right now, or perhaps yours is broken beyond repair, so how do we deal with these circumstances without using amps.

Do Passive Speakers require an Amp?

A speaker amplifies sound by powering it with enough power to fill a room. Passive speakers don’t have this built-in, so you need an amplifier (or another device) to make them louder and more assertive. There are other ways of powering passive speakers without using amps.

For instance, connecting the passive speaker to your AV receiver or powered mixer will work just fine. Alternatively, if you want loud music while still keeping things portable, click the passive speaker up instead into an active subwoofer or PC.

How to Power Passive Speakers with a Powered Mixer

If you want to power your passive speakers through a mixer, ensure it’s compatible with ¼ inch outputs or XLR. Then choose the right speaker cable depending on what kind of output is available for use in your specific set-up and connect them using that wire. Once everything’s connected properly, tune-up the sound before enjoying some music.

How to Power Passive Speakers with an AV Receiver

AV receivers can be used to power passive speakers connected directly. However, if the receiver is not powerful enough to run these compelling speakers, you may need an external amplifier. When connecting a speaker with good but less than perfect sound quality, connect it to your AV receiver’s zone 2 ports rather than its main outputs. They are usually more robust and filtered better for driving lower impedance loads such as this type of connection.

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If you have a potent AV receiver, you should connect your passive speakers to the receiver’s Zone 2 ports. The built-in amplifier of many receivers is strong enough for most systems, but there may be some exceptions where it would not work well with compelling passive speakers. Make sure that whatever speaker system you’re connecting can handle being powered by an AV receiver before doing so.

How to Power Passive Speakers without an Amp with an Active Subwoofer

If your receiver lacks sufficient power to drive passive speakers or if you want a more powerful sound, consider using an active subwoofer. They have built-in amplifiers and can often go low frequencies with little distortion for better bass response in music.

To connect up your speakers, you can use a speaker cable to go from the subwoofer’s output jack into one of your passive speakers. Then plug another end of that same wire onto the other side, so it reaches across and plugs in on its corresponding input port for speaking out left or right channel sound waves accordingly as designed by engineers who built this model specifically with these two jacks.

However, suppose you want more than just two channels at once. In that case, some models like this are available, which have additional ports besides those two meant only for extra help balancing bass frequencies while playing music through them. They likely did not include such an option in our relatively cheap but still very functional amplifier/speaker set here.

How to Power Passive Speakers without an Amp with a PC

A PC may not be powerful enough to power prominent passive speakers, the best ones being small bookshelf speakers. If you’re dealing with these types of smaller and less powerful bookshelves like I am, this method might work for you; however, if that doesn’t sound like your type of situation, then consider other options as well.

Passive speakers require an external source of power. As discussed above, an amplifier would be your best bet to power them, but you can also connect passive speakers through other means. Consider the following factors before clicking: This passage has been summarized by removing unnecessary details and replacing repeated words with synonyms when possible.

Power rating and size of the Speakers

Passive speakers are not powered by an amplifier but instead rely on the sound source to provide power. Therefore, you need a powerful enough sound source if you want your passive speaker set-up to be loud and clear instead of quiet or distorted. If buying new active (powered) speakers that connect via cable without any other amplification involved in their chain, choose one with at least double. The wattage rating is those being used for playback to reach optimal volume levels without distortion issues related to pushing them too hard into overdrive conditions.

Impedance rating of a Speaker

When connecting speakers to a PC, you should check the impedance rating. Ensure that it has 8 or 16 ohms as this ensures less current is drawn from the source device and provides power for more extended periods. Suppose your speaker’s impedance rating isn’t high enough.

There could be problems powering them, such as low volume levels and distorted sound output due to insufficient energy drawn by using too much electricity, which damages components in both devices connected through cables/wirelessly (Input).

It’s essential when purchasing passive speakers with PCs because they have lower wattage ratings. Suppose we connect these types directly without checking their compatibility first. In that case, our equipment may not function properly, leaving us disappointed primarily since some music files are encoded at higher volumes.

Power rating and size of the speakers

When connecting speakers to a PC, you should check the impedance rating. Ensure that it has 8 or 16 ohms as this ensures less current is drawn from the source device and provides power for more extended periods. Suppose your speaker’s impedance rating isn’t high enough.

There could be problems powering them, such as low volume levels and distorted sound output due to insufficient energy drawn by using too much electricity, which damages components in both devices connected through cables/wirelessly (Input).

It’s essential when purchasing passive speakers with PCs because they have lower wattage ratings. Suppose we connect these types directly without checking their compatibility first. In that case, our equipment may not function properly, leaving us disappointed primarily since some music files are encoded at higher volumes.


I was wondering how to power passive speakers without an amp? It can be done. Ensure the source component is powerful enough, or you won’t get the best sound quality. For a better experience, make sure it has a built-in amplifier; otherwise, stay away from high impedance and low powered sources like iPods/tablets, etc., as they don’t have sufficient wattages for powering these types of speakers.

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