Things to consider while buying a budgeted Smartphone – Guide

  • on November 9, 2020
Things to consider while buying a budgeted Smartphone

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Mobile is the worldwide need of today’s world and without a mobile phone; a person isn’t just far away from technology but from the modern world as well. What’s keeping you away when you can read out this article to have a piece of complete knowledge about mobiles in your budget and the features you should be aware of while buying a mobile?

Some of the features should be kept under consideration.

Camera:The camera of your device should be around 12-32 MP to ensure the best quality of the moments you are capturing.
Operating System:To keep sure that you are not living in early 2010’s your mobile phone must have an Android 7(Nougat) or above.
Battery: A good 3140-4000 mAh battery can saves you a lot of your time.
Storage:These days, many people are game lovers, and to install and play these games, you need to have large storage capacity on your phone that could be as low as 64 GB.
RAM:2GB-4GB ram could be the best decision for your daily life.

Phone Camera:

The camera plays an important role in mobile phones. Some people purchase mobile phones just to take a picture. If you want to know the camera quality, the lens aperture is the most important to take note of. The camera of your device should be around 12-32 MP to ensure the best quality of the moments you are capturing.

Operating System:

The operating system is the crucial component as it processes the application of mobiles. It is an operating system that displays the application on the screen. Hence, without an impressive operating system, a mobile is not more than a box. To keep sure that you are not living in early 2010’s your mobile phone must have an Android 7(Nougat) or above.


To make sure the size of the battery is the most important as a bigger size of battery enables you to use the mobile for a longer time. If a person doesn’t go for long-lasting battery, he would have to carry the fear of low battery all the time with him. A good 3140-4000 mAh battery can saves you a lot of your time.

Phone Storage:

It is device storage that decides how much data your mobile can store. So, purchasing a mobile with large storage enables you to store a large amount of data. These days, many people are game lovers, and to install and play these games, you need to have large storage capacity on your phone that could be as low as 64 GB.


RAM is the component that holds all of the data on your phone. So, if your phone would have a small ram, it will eventually slow down the processing of your mobile. That’s why having big RAM in combination with ROM, makes your phone work faster and 2GB-4GB ram could be the best decision for your daily life. Although if you are a fan of everything going real fast you have to check out this Six Best 8 GB Cell Phones list to get your hands on your favourite one.

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