Does 4k Upscaling Only Work From HDMI?

  • on July 17, 2022
Does 4k Upscaling Only Work From HDMI?

4K TVs are everywhere, and they’re getting bigger and better. Here’s how they work, why it’s essential, and why some are better than others. The Full HD TV has virtually disappeared, being replaced by more advanced 4K TVs in recent years. 

Compared to a few years ago, 4K TVs are now well and truly mainstream, accounting for nearly 50% of all TVs shipped worldwide. The cameras have a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, or eight megapixels each. A Full HD TV offers two megapixels, which are much less detailed. 

All 4K TVs will come with some form of 4K upscaling. Does 4k upscaling only work from HDMI? The larger the picture, the better it looks on TV channels, DVDs, and streaming videos. When buying a 4K TV, you need to know everything about upscaling.

Why do we need 4K upscaling? 

The ‘content gap’ exists. Even though we are now firmly in the 4K TV era, we are not all watching 4K content. Full HD images on a 4K panel will not look better, only larger, without some clever upscaling. 

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Product Planning & Technical Marketing Manager at Sony Europe, Gavin McCarron says that if you didn’t upscale a complete HD picture, it would only fill a quarter of the screen. As a result, the picture would be surrounded by an empty net. Upscaling ensures that the image fills the screen’s 4K resolution. Does 4k upscaling only work from HDMI?

How does 4K upscaling work? 

Does 4k upscaling only work from HDMI? The product manager for TV/AV at Samsung UK & Ireland is Deep Halder, who explains that the process begins with analyzing the signal received to determine whether it is live TV or streaming, HD or full HD. After noise reduction, edges, textures, and details are evaluated and sharpened accordingly. Then, the signal is converted to 4K to match the native panel resolution. 

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The picture comes into the TV first from broadcast, Blu-ray, streaming service, or whatever, and it is analyzed for quality,” says McCarron. After Sony compares the different elements of a picture to a database, the image is upscaled to a ‘near 4K’ quality. 

How to test 4K upscaling in-store 

Be warned if you plan to buy a TV from a physical store. Almost every TV you see on store displays is brightened to make them ‘look better.’ 

You wouldn’t want a TV in your home to appear that bright. It would help if you immediately switched the picture mode from ‘vivid’ to ‘natural’ or ‘cinema’ once you’ve wrestled the remote from the salesperson. Then request a non-4K video. A 4K TV is all the store is interested in showing you.

Even though it makes sense to them, they insist on live TV since most content will not be in 4K. 

You should be able to watch HD channels without any problems. It’s the non-HD channels you need to watch out for; they can look terrible without decent upscaling. 


Does 4k upscaling only work from HDMI? You are likely to purchase a 4K TV when shopping for one. The resolution of a TV can be a significant selling point since it’s easy to label any TV 4K, but the key plays only a small role in the picture quality. Although 4k is an upgrade from 1080p, it might be hard to notice the difference if you’re sitting far from the TV or only watching 1080p content. There isn’t much difference between 4k and 1080p since most TVs are 4k now, and 1080p is hard to find.

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