Which One Should You Choose, 1080p vs 1440p gaming?

  • on July 24, 2021
1080p vs 1440p gaming

1080p vs 1440p gaming monitor which is better for you or which one you should choose? We will decide in this article. Which 1080p or 1440p gaming monitor should you choose? 1080p is the standard 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution. 1080p monitors are also known as Full HD. 1080 stands for 1920 x 1080, which is how many pixels are on a 1080p screen.

The higher the number, the more detail, and clarity you will have in your image regarding gaming. You can get this type of monitor at an affordable price range, and they usually don’t require too much power from your graphics card to run well.

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On the other hand, 1440p has 2560 horizontal lines of vertical resolution with a total pixel count of 320000 (1920×1440). It gives you about 33% more space.

We can see that 1080p is superior to 1440p in the 1080p vs. 1440p comparison. It is because 1440p has a larger screen area, sharper image definition and more screen real estate.

It would be best if you still read this article because you need to consider other factors such as a faster refresh rate (240hz instead of 144hz), the performance of your hardware, the distance between user and screen, and, most importantly, the size of the screen’s surface.

1080p vs 1440p

1080p refers to a screen resolution of 1920×1080 with an aspect ratio of 16 by 9. This resolution is applicable to 1080p TV/Display / Media resolution. The “P” stands for resolution “progressive,” which translates into a true 1080 vertical line. 1080p is the display / content ratio for 16:9.

Full HD 1080p offers up to five times the image quality of 720p. It is significant and not something that you can scale from 720p down to 1080p. It is the right choice for TV monitors and laptops, but it is suitable for conventional gaming consoles like PlayStation 1 and 2.

1080p needs less storage, CPU power to decode, and bandwidth (minor buff) for transmission. You can support1080p with lots of hardware. It is also easy to edit (requires low beam computers). There are many types of 1080p recorders, which are affordable. 1440P refers to a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels and a 16 x 9 aspect ratio.

1080p is also known to be Full HD, while 1440p can be called QHD. It offers four times the resolution of a 1,280×720 HD display or, more precisely, WQHD. The “W” stands in for Wide.

Resolution refers to the size of a monitor in pixels. For example, E.g., a 1440p resolution displays 2560 vertical pixels and 1440 horizontal pixels. You can see more pixels when you increase the resolution of your monitor. It will result in a visual increase—image quality and clarity.

What does this mean when we talk about screen resolution? It’s the pixel number multiplied by 1920 by 1080. It gives us a pixel count of approximately 2.1 million or 3.7 million pixels, multiplied by 2560 by 1440. To simplify, the more dots or pixels a monitor has, the sharper and clearer the image.

More pixels = Sharper Image

The workspace is the first thing that sets 1080p apart from 1440p. You can fit more icons and Windows general in the Windows taskbar at 1440p than you can at 1080p.

1080p vs 1440p gaming

What about Gaming? Is there any benefit to using 1440p? This resolution makes games look sharper and has smoother edges and curves. Both 1080p and 1440p don’t have a high enough resolution that we can keep anti-aliasing disabled. It allows us to play softer games. It depends on the screen size and pixel density gaming at 1440p is more efficient than 1080p.

However, keep in mind that your GPU will work with more pixels due to the higher pixel count at 1440p than 1080p. The result is that your performance will suffer, resulting in a slower frame rate than 1080p. Modern graphics cards don’t have a drop in FPS.

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Pros at 1440p

More real Screen

First, 1440p has more screen real estate. A 1440p monitor can display 78% more pixels per inch than a 1080p one. A 27-inch 1080p screen has 78 pixels per inch, while a 27-inch 1440p monitor has around a hundred eight pixels per inch.

As you can see, there is a 38 percent difference in PPI. The 1440p monitor will be sharper and provide better quality.

The best thing about screen real estate is its ability to increase productivity. My 1440p monitor allowed me to do more in less time because I had more room to manage my resources and windows.

Monitors priced at 1440p are slightly cheaper.

Monitors of decent quality and lower prices are becoming more common. You can still find a reasonably decent 1440p monitor for as low as a 1080p monitor.

1440p is a higher-performance option

If you’re on a budget, running at 1080p resolution will be the best option—tight budget a competitive player. For two reasons, competitive gamers often play at 1080p: First, it is a lower resolution. Lower performance requirements make it even more appealing to attain higher frame rates to play at the higher refresh rate of 240Hz.

The downside to 1440p is its need for more bandwidth and more storage space than 1080p. To achieve a playable framerate, you will need an active graphics card.

In 1080p, it is easier to see all the screens in Action Games.

Second, competitive gamers prefer to play on 24-inch monitors. It allows everything to be seen and can be done without having to move your head. As you can see, a 24-inch monitor works well for 1080p gaming.

There are few advantages to 1080p.

There is a downside to 1440p resolutions and higher resolutions, however. It is the issue of readability. Because more pixels are squeezed into the screen, this is what happens.

The workspace will increase, but the content must shrink to get the extra space. If the screen size is the same, two 27-inch screens will work.

Screens one with 1440p resolution, and the other with 1080p. The text and windows will appear smaller at 1440p than they do at 1080p.

It could mean that some users may have difficulty reading text on high-resolution screens. To compensate, you would have to increase the screen size. The screen resolution must always be compared to the aspect ratio.


If you’re looking for a gaming monitor with more performance, then 1440p is your choice. However, 1080p still has its benefits, such as seeing all screens in action games and lower prices on monitors. In addition to these pros of 1080p, there are few advantages that 1440P can offer over it, which include higher-performance options and lower-priced monitors at this resolution. 

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1080p vs 1440p is a question that plagues many gamers. On the one hand, there are clear benefits to using a higher resolution monitor for gaming and other applications. However, while it may seem like more of an investment up-front, you will likely save money in the long run by opting for something with fewer pixels per inch on your screen.

The deciding factor between these two resolutions comes down to what kind of graphics card you have installed in your computer hardware. If you don’t know how powerful yours is or if it isn’t capable of supporting high-resolution displays, then it’s probably best to stick with 1080p until upgrading becomes necessary.

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