How Long Does it Take for a TV to Dry out?

  • on April 15, 2023
How Long Does it Take for a TV to Dry out?

How long does it take for a TV to dry out? Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to repair water damage to a television. After trying a few alternative solutions, your television might start operating again, but you might also need to take it to a pro repairer. Fixing the issue yourself first is always a good idea because repairers can sometimes be expensive. If these methods work, your television will likely be protected, and they are less expensive than having a professional fix it or buy a new one.

Steps to dry out tv screen

Next we discuss How long does it take for a tv to dry out?

Step 1 – Unplug the TV

Even though it may seem obvious, you must disconnect the television as soon as you realize it has water damage. If it can be done, you should shift it from where it was originally put. Naturally, this depends on how much water damage there is. The television will undoubtedly need to be relocated from its current placement if there is considerable leakage.

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Step 2 – Blow Dry the Affected Area

It could be beneficial to blow dry the area where the television was water damaged. It’s wise to avoid blasting the areas with only hot air. If there is a “cool” button, it is recommended to press it while using the device or to use a lower setting on the blow dryer. If you have a compressor, it might be beneficial to blast air over the afflicted region at a slightly lower pressure to “remove” the moisture from electrical connections and lessen the likelihood of corrosion, eventual degradation, and further breakdowns.

Step 3 – Be Patient

Most of the time, you’ll want to wait for the water to dry. Place the television where it can get lots of ventilation and sit for one or two days to dry out. Sometimes, you’ll be able to do nothing but this. You should remove the back of the television and let it air dry that way, depending on where the damage was. Reassemble the television and plug it in to test it out after it has dried for a few days.

Step 4 – Repairman

You might have to take your television to a repairer’s shop if you need help with these fixes. You must call them and explain where and how much water damage the television has sustained. They can give you an estimate over the phone so you can determine whether it’s worth fixing the water-damaged television.

Step 5 – Replacement

In the worst-case scenario, you could have to buy a new television. You can discover that secondhand ones are occasionally a wise choice. Visit many online stores that sell secondhand appliances. Before you buy a television, be sure to inspect it carefully and ask lots of questions. This will keep you going until you can get a new one.


How long does it take for a tv to dry out? Electronics can sustain water damage that manifests immediately or takes hours, days, or weeks to become obvious. In general, if the equipment is operational and has been completely dried out within 24 hours after the incident, it is reasonable to presume that there is no water damage. To be sure there is no hidden damage that could cause problems in the future, it is preferable to get the device checked by a specialist.

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