A Room At My School Uses a Vertical hidden Projector and a Mirror to Project Presentations

  • on February 23, 2023
A Room At My School Uses a Vertical hidden Projector and a Mirror to Project Presentations

A room at my school uses a vertical hidden projector and a mirror to project presentations. The Display Technologies Motorised Mirror Drop allows the projector to be mounted above the ceiling, completely concealing it while not in use. Rather than lowering the entire projector into the room, as a lift system would, the MMD employs a motorised mirror that only opens when the projector is in use. This method reduces the projector’s visual impact and noise by always keeping it concealed above the ceiling.

This is architectural synergy at its finest.

The Display Technologies Motorised Mirror Drop allows the projector to be mounted above the ceiling, completely concealing it while not in use. Rather than lowering the entire projector into the room, as a lift system would, the MMD employs a motorised mirror that only opens when the projector is in use. This method reduces the projector’s visual impact and noise by always keeping it concealed above the ceiling.

This is architectural synergy at its finest.

DT Motorised Mirror Drop is an in-ceiling projector mount with dual high-performance optical mirrors, a proprietary projector interface, and adjustable alignment. It is intended for applications where it is more visually pleasing to conceal the projector in the ceiling, removing the compact mirror system only while the projector is in use.

Fill in some blank pages, either entirely or partially.

Depending on your overall presentation strategy, it may make sense to pre-write or pre-draw some or all of the pages. On brainstorming pages, I frequently pre-write the column headings. When I use diagrams, I usually write out the key blocks using a black marker before my session and then add colour labels and highlights during the presentation. If you do this, leave a blank page between the prepared pages to prevent the lines from showing through.

Recommended Article: How to Make a Projector 3D

Make invisible suggestions using a pencil.

You can draw schematics in pencil ahead of time, and no one will be able to see them. (For an arbitrarily detailed figure, project it onto the flip chart and trace it in pencil.) Then, use markers to draw across these invisible lines during your session. You can also write reminders to yourself in the corner of the page in pencil. Even for lengthy sessions, if you plan carefully, you can avoid using hand-held notes entirely.

Throughout your presentation, refer to the flip chart pages.

Refer to important flip chart pages from earlier in your presentation to help your audience make connections. For example, I begin by thinking of some broad questions about my topic that the audience might have. Then, as the presentation progresses, I can return to those questions as they are answered. If necessary, rip the pages and tape them to the wall to make them visible.

Gather your audience around the flip chart.

You may have a volunteer scribe for you, or you could create small-group activities on flip sheets. There are numerous training techniques available… That may be a separate article.

What are your thoughts?

Do you have any suggestions for using flip charts? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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